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China Made Circuit Breaker Kfw2-1600/3P For Power Plant

Detailed Selling Lead Description

Brand: YOYIK
Model: KFW2-1600/3P
Price: USD 454 / PC
Min. Order: 1 PC

"China made Circuit breaker KFW2-1600/3P for power plant
Deyang Dongfang Yoyik is a strong manufacture and trade company. We have a wide range of mechanical parts and components generator parts, electrical and electronic products processing, hydraulic machinery and components, hydroelectric generating units, coal-fired generating units, especially professional accessories for generator units. The goods are absolutely authentic, rest assured.

Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:

#DF-Circuit breaker KFW2-1600/3P -DF
Pressure gauge dial 1201885
thermocouple type WRN2-239 0-600℃
thermocouple temperature sensor TE-111
lvdt working principle 191.36.09(1).09
lvdt transducer C9231017
lvdt-sensor LVDT-700-6
k type thermocouple 1200c TE-209
sensor de rpm 70085-1010-214
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor K156.36.06.002
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor B151.
thermocouple type TE-105
Thermistor Sensor WZPM-231
Motion detector TD-7000
displacement sensor TDZ-IF
industrial displacement sensor TDZ-1-44
lvdt sensor K151.36.06.02(1)
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor 4000TD-G
LVDT Measurement TDZ-1G-43
lvdt working principle A156.33.01.28
rtd pt100 WZP2-441-B/A3(Pt100
lvdt-sensor B151.36.09.04-014
Steam Generator Heating Element ZJ-16.5-7R
speed meter sensor G-065-02-01
linear variable displacement transducer TD-6-4204
Shaft Speed Sensors ZS-02 L=75
Resistance Thermometers WRNK2
lvdt displacement sensor LVDT-350-6
output speed sensor 70C85-1010-423
thermocouple machine TC03A2-KY-2B/SPG
3 Wire RTD Sensor WZPM2-002, DZ3.5.1-1995
lvdt 0-300 B151.36.06(1)G02
linear variable displacement transducer 700TDGN
Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors PU-1-4SD
pt100 digital thermometer WZP2-014S
Circuit breaker KFW2-1600/3P

pt100 rtd probe thermowell WRNR2-12
turbine speed sensor CS-3F-M16-L100
displacement transducer LVDT-800-3
thermal contact resistance WZPM2-002, DZ3.5.1-1995
lvdt transducer displacement TDZ-2
vertical Pressure gauge 233.50\100\25BAR\G1\13B
speed sensor CS-3-M16-L220
angular displacement sensor TDZ-1-100
temperature gauge meter WSS-471
Rotary Torque Sensor RS900103-00-06-10-02-00
stainless steel Thermocouple DZ3.1.2.7-1992
thermal resistance testing WZPK2-16A
full form of lvdt DET800A
linear displacement transducer DET-200A
heater tubular ZJ-20-45R
DP Pressure switch BPSN4KB25XFSH2
full form of lvdt 2000TDZ-A
lvdt probe HTD-600-6
Steam Generator Heating Element GY300-12
LVDT Position Sensors 6000TD-E
pt100 rtd probe thermowell WRNK2
lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor 6000TD-10-01-01
Sensor DET-35A
LVDT Position Sensors A181.36.06G04
pressure sensor switch BH-209050-209
Bolt Heater RJ-14.5-400
electric cartridge heater HY-CYY-1.2-380V/3
lvdt displacement transducer LVDT-150-6
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor FRD.WJA2.301H
sensor lvdt TDZ-1-44
lvdt linear position sensor TD-1-350
non-contact displacement sensor TDZ-1E-12
rtd temperature WZPM-231
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor TDZ-1-H
temperature thermocouple TE-107
lvdt 0-300 7000TDZ-A
Circuit breaker KFW2-1600/3P


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