Detailed Selling Lead DescriptionBrand: yoyik Model: ESP8266 Price: CNY 3680 / ea Min. Order: 1 ea
Made in China MINI D1 PRO DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESP8266 16M for thermal power plant The use of advanced technology, absolutely first-class service quality, is our constant faith over the years. Production is in strict accordance with national standard, line standard and technical standards. The main technical backbone are retired senior engineer and senior technicians, who has participated in the design, manufacture and installation of Gezhouba, Ertan, Three Gorges and other power plants. We have served hundreds of hydropower stations, thermal power plant overhaul, and technical transformation to provide high quality equipment, construction design, installation, spare parts, and after-sales service.
Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
#DF-MINI D1 PRO DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESP8266 16M-DF lvdt-sensor thermocouple cable WRNK2-292 pressure switch control RC861CZ097ZSSYM lvdt displacement transducer ZDET25B lvdt linear position sensor TDZ-1-45 Optical Insolation panel (OP) B-TD00107A LVDT K151.36.06.007 industrial displacement sensor A181.36.06G06 LVDT Displacement Sensors non-contact displacement sensor HL-6-500-15 lvdt 20mm sensor ZDET800B thermocouple type TE-108 thermometer WSSP-481 lvdt displacement transducer C9231114 lvdt working principle HL-3-200-15 lvdt full form TDZ-1E-23 lvdt probe RPM Sensor magnetic CS-3-M10*1 L=130 rotation sensor G-065-05-01 LVDT Measurement HL-6-50-15 shaft rotation sensor CS-3F-M10-L55-1 liquid level control YKJD24-II-660-560-222 lvdt 0-300 TDZ-1E-04 Thermal Expansion Sensor TD2-0-35 hydraulic pressure switch BH-035002-035 0.8-7BAR cable pt100 WZPK-338 displacement inductive sensor ZDET1000B Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors CS-1-D-080-10-01 lvdt displacement sensor ZD-4000TDB sensor speed CS-3 M10*1 displacement sensor 5000TDGN Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor DET-20A temperature and pressure gauge WTY-402 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-(T) lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor TDZ-1D-05 displacement sensor TDZ-1E-33 MINI D1 PRO DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESP8266 16M
sensor de rpm CS-1-G-065-06-01 thermocouple cable TE-404 LVDT Measurement TDZ-1E-44 digital speedometer HZQS-02H angular displacement sensor B151.36.09G32 thermal resistance testing WZP2-280 rtd pt100 WZPM-231 thermocouple k-type temperature sensor TC03A2-KY-2B/S13 Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor HL-3-250-15 lvdt sensor K156.36.06.007 Hall Effect RPM/Speed Sensor CS-3-L190 lvdt displacement transducer 6000TDGN digital thermometer WTY 1201606 full form of lvdt B151.36.09.04-006 high pressure gauge 233.50\100\25BAR\G1\8B lvdt sensor HL-3-25-15 lvdt-sensor TD6000 3 Wire RTD Sensor WZPM-014S lvdt probe 400TD ptfe pt100 temperature sensor WZPK-338 sensor lvdt B151.36.09G07 linear variable displacement transducer 1000TD 1100 degree celsius temperature gauge WSS-461 temperature probe sensor WZPK2-330 pt100 rtd temperature sensor WZPM2-001(Pt100) speed sensor cost CS-3-M10-L60 thermocouples extension lead wires WRNK2-331\φ6\K displacement sensor sany ZDET-800B Bearing Outlet Temperature Measuring Element WSSP-481 LVDT Position Sensors ZD-4000TDB temperature probe sensor WZPM2-08-67.5-M18-B k-type thermocouple WRNK2 lvdt transducer 2000TDZ-A full form of lvdt HL-6-300-15 Platinum-Rhodium Wire TC03A2-KY-2B/S11 Fuse 6.6kV XRNM1-7.2/80 MINI D1 PRO DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESP8266 16M